Feminine Burnout
The Feminine Burnout Recovery Program is the last program you will need to finally…
- heal
- improve your health
- reconnect to your life
- change your mindset
- and feel like yourself again.
Feminine Burnout Recovery works because it addressed the underlying root of what got you here. And it starts when you realize your health and happiness are just as important as everyone else’s. Start by taking your needs seriously and choosing YOU.
What is Feminine Burnout?
Feminine Burnout is the specific type of burnout that affects successful, strong, capable women at home, at work, and in their relationships. The women who do it all, who have been running on empty for so long they don’t even realize how much they are neglecting themselves and their health, but they know there is more. They know they deserve more connection, better health, better sex, and more wealth.
A term developed by Dr. Wiggins ND, Feminine Burnout was created to encapsulate the challenges women face when they do it all and ignore their own health and needs.
Feminine Burnout Affects every aspect of your life…
- Health – when you are brunt out, making the right choices for your health can feel impossible. Your body is in survival mode and to heal, you need to manage the burnout first.
- Hormone Balance – under stress, your body doesn’t react to cues or produce hormones like it should. Of course you are feeling out of alignment with your body.
- Energy and Sleep – if you are tired during the day, but have trouble falling and staying asleep at night, Feminine Burnout is already impacting your energy and sleep cycle.
- Intimacy and Connection – when you are burnt out, you don’t have the time, energy, or desire to connect with the people you love and care for. You may think your relationship is suffering because of incompatibility, when in reality, Feminine Burnout is stopping you from experiencing the connection you desire.
- Mental Health – living with Feminine Burnout is like living with functional depression, you can go through the motions because you’re a Superwoman, but your heart isn’t in it.
The Feminine Burnout Cycle
The Feminine Burnout cycle can be broken down into three stages:
Stage 1: It starts with over-functioning. The Superwomen who do it all at work, at home and everywhere in between, usually without praise or appreciation. They take care of everyone else but themselves and, despite feeling overworked and exhausted, just keep pushing through without asking for help.
Stage 2: After having pushed their body and mind so much, these Superwomen finally hit a wall where they’re forced to slow down. Physically this wall could mean they’ve gotten sick with a virus or a cold, or are suffering from extreme fatigue or chronic flare ups, migraines, or throwing out your back or neck. Mentally, they could be suffering from panic attacks, depression, mental health issues. Whatever the case, something forces them to stop, rest and slow down, however the time meant to be spent healing is usually filled with feelings of guilt for not getting anything done.
Stage 3: The second a Superwomen is able to, she is jumping back into her over-functioning ways at home and at work, usually working even harder to catch up, and then ultimately starting the cycle over again.
Are you trapped in the cycle?
There are six key indicators when it comes to knowing whether or not you’re trapped in the seemingly endless Feminine Burnout cycle. If you fit into the following statements, then you’re likely trapped in this pattern and it is affecting your health and relationships:
- You’re never able to rest. How long does it take you to unwind on a vacation? Once you’re home, do you get more stressed from the vacation because you feel you’ve fallen behind on work?
- You’re not very flexible. How well do you handle an unexpected change to your plans? Do small changes make your head explore or maybe you shut down entirely?
- Your relationship has changed. The sex and intimacy dynamic between you and your partner has changed and something is off.
- You’re dealing with functional depression. You’re sad, lost, not interested in things you used to enjoy, but you’re still keeping it together at work and at home.
- You’re anxious. You feel like you’re jumping to put out one fire after another.
- Your health is starting to suffer. Exhausted, moody, sick, bloated, hormonal, can’t sleep? These are signs that Feminine Burnout is starting to take a toll on your body and health.
If you’re experiencing the physical and mental signs of Feminine Burnout mentioned above, it’s time to take an approach to your health that actually works. At Health Over All, we offer high-functioning women who don’t want to be held back by their symptoms or kept waiting for months for a diagnosis, fast answers and solutions. Through comprehensive, advanced, biomedical test testing, we ensure that we’re picking up on all the different areas that could be contributing to your symptoms. From nutrient status, thyroid function, hormones, digestive function, liver function and more, we’re analyzing every single system and incorporating the mindset and addressing the mental reframes you need to ensure that you are implementing and taking your health seriously.
We have a community of women who are going through similar issues and who are able to support you through your journey.