What are hormones? We all know that they can do funny things to our behaviour at times in our lives (puberty, pregnancy, menopause), but what else do you really know about your hormones? I can promise you that they are responsible for more than just being a convenient excuse for a teenager’s meltdown.
Have you noticed any of these symptoms?
- Weight gain
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Sleep issues
- Brain fog
- Decreased libido
- Acne breakouts
- Anxiety
Guess what all of these have in common? HORMONES.
Our hormones don’t just show up when you turn 13, and return to shake things up when you are pregnant or going through menopause. They are responsible for everyday functions (sleep, mood, arousal, blood sugar) and keeping your body system’s regulated.
As women age , they experience a drastic shift in their hormones. You may have heard the term “estrogen dominance”, which means that for the first time ever, women are experiencing what it’s like to have a higher percentage of estrogen than progesterone. What does that mean? It means weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep issues, brain fog, decreased libido and so on and so on and so on!
The doctors and Health Over All have heard the same story from women over and over again:
“No matter how much I diet, I can’t seem to lose weight”
“If my boss needs me to do something after 3 pm, forget about it, I’m lucky if I can remember my own name at that time of day”
“I’m 35 and I’m getting acne for the first time in my life. HELP.”
Don’t listen to the person that tells you there is nothing that can be done. We do not subscribe to the notion that you just have to learn to live with it.
That is why the Hormone Code exists. It is a 30 Day reset that targets the CAUSE of these issues that women face daily. It provides a framework, including questionnaires, sleep protocols, videos, and an online community of support from like-minded women working towards the same goals.
Learn about your body and why the quick fixes you’ve been using haven’t been working.
Start today.
Go to www.hormonecode.ca to sign up.
We’re rooting for you!
Health Over All
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