I hear it every day, “I don’t have enough time”. But we all have the same 86,400
seconds in a day….
“I want to lose weight. But I don’t have time to exercise”.
“I want to eat healthier.But I don’t have time to grocery shop and prepare meals”.
“I want to stop being so stressed out. But I don’t have 15 minutes a day to meditate”.
Time has become one of the biggest excuses we use NOT to get things done.
What happens when our goals and actions are not aligned?That’s right, nothing!
If you want to keep feeling the way you are feeling, keep doing what you are doing.Simple
right? So, why is it so hard?
Keep reading for 3 easy tips to change your relationship with time, so you can start
achieving your health and wellness goals.
Shed the belief there is not enough time
When you have a month to do something it will take a month, but if you have a week, it will
get done in a week. Doesn’t make sense right? Ever notice there are those people that
seem to get 1000 things done before you have had your morning coffee and checked
The concept of time, much like the rest of our reality, is in our minds. Let’s make time work
for you, instead of being a slave to it. Stop viewing time within the confines of a limiting
spectrum by:
• Get a planner – Take 20 minutes and write down all your important meetings,
dates and appointments. Do it now! If you respect time, it will respect you. I
absolutely love my Passion Planner.
• Put down the phone/tablet/laptop – Depending on which reference you read, the
average person spends 45-90 minutes a day on social media! Wait what? That’s
time to meal prep, get in a quick work out and meditate! We get into bad habits,
and most of the time we do not even realize we are doing it. Try turning off your
Internet or phone while you are working on something you need to get done
Just. Do. One. Thing. At. A. Time.
It is often overwhelming when you look at everything you have to do all at once. However,
when you break it down into smaller chunks, suddenly things become more manageable.
• Grab a piece of paper and list every To-Do rattling around in your brain.I mean
• Now highlight what needs to get done today, this week, this month in different
• All you need to focus on is what needs to get done today.
For an alternative perspective you can look at Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix.
Or read his books “First Things First” or “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.
Take Brain Breaks
For some reason we believe, if we stop everything will fall apart. A had a professor tell me
this is not only unhealthy, it is also arrogant. It was one of those “Ah-ha” moments. The
world will not stop if I take time off! I see it with my patients, but it was difficult for me to
realize myself.
If you do not stop, eventually the body will do it for you, by making you sick. Stress is a
contributing factor in many chronic illnesses. So start taking time to:
• Take breaks throughout the day – eat meals. Drink water. Stretch. Go for a short
• Schedule something in your calendar that you enjoy doing at least once a week.
• Plan a vacation. Or a stay-cation.
Breaks don’t make us lazy, incapable or inefficient. In fact, it is the opposite.
So there you have it. Start a healthier relationship with time.
If you are going to delete the words “I don’t have time” from your vocabulary to start being a
happier and healthier you, comment below!
-Dr. J
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