With Valentine’s day around the corner, this #wellnesswednesday post is about foods that boost libido and hormones, to get you in the mood!
How to Reclaim Your Libido – by Dr. Wiggins ND
You have seen the ads in your favourite magazine and on social media…the latest tonics, potions, blue or pink pill that promises to restore sexual vitality. Maybe you have talked to your doctor, or maybe your lack of sex drive is the elephant in your bedroom. It is startling how many men and women report […]
Do You Have Baby Blues, Or Something More Serious? – By Dr. Meghan McNaughton
Have you had a baby in the last year? Do you often feel overwhelmed, irritable, or down? In light of mental health week, I would like to bring awareness to the mental-emotional struggles many new mothers face. Post-partum blues and post-partum depression can have a serious impact on the health of mom and baby. […]
Why Do Millennials Have Less Sex Than Previous Generations? By Dr Jordin Wiggins
MILLENNIAL’S = SWIPE, HOOK UP AND LEAVE. This common misconception (most likely due to dating apps) is FALSE. Sex appears to be easier to have now than ever, yet stats indicate otherwise. A study in the Journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour states that millennial’s born in the 1990s are TWICE as likely to be […]
Time is the New Currency – by Dr. Jordin Wiggins ND
“I’m busy.” An EXCUSE we tell ourselves to keep us in a state of OVERWHELM. I hear it every day, “I don’t have enough time”. But we all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day…. “I want to lose weight. But I don’t have time to exercise”. “I want to eat healthier. But […]
Health, Hormones and Well Woman Checks – By Dr. Wiggins ND
We love helping women get healthy, active and well over all. We don’t love: Painful periods Acne & skin skin problems Hair loss Painful body parts Birth control side effects Vaginal dryness Low energy Low libido We appreciate how much every woman wants to accomplish, achieve and embrace every day. We want you […]