Common Health Concerns in your 20s and 30s
Many women ignore their health concerns when they are young. At the time when they get their periods they are still children. When something is off with their cycle- irregular periods, heavy flow, painful periods, pms, acne, ect, many of these young girls are easily convinced to mask those symptoms with the birth control pill….and usually it works. If she is not put on the pill sometimes these things are set aside with the rationale that “she is just a hormonal teen…it will pass.”
However, problems arise when she reaches her 20’s or 30’s and decides that she wants to come off of the pill, that it is no longer working for her, or when the issues can no longer be ignored because they continue to get worse. In addition, as life stresses increase in the 20’s or 30’s hormonal issues can be amplified!
What are common concerns that we see in women at this age:
Fatigue can be multifaceted in this group:
- Low iron is very common at this age and it is rarely properly tested for. In addition, “normal range” is far too wide to reflect where most women are symptomatic. Therefore, their iron deficiency is often not addressed.
- Stress and navigating work-life balance can easily lead to burnout that can be manifested in many ways.
- Skipping meals or not eating properly. Women at this age are RARELY getting enough to eat…especially when it comes to protein (even if they find themselves gaining weight). Their blood sugar levels are all over the place and this often leads to significant fatigue after 2pm and sometimes poor, broken sleep
Heavy, Painful Periods
- This is one of the most debilitating issues for women in this age group. Heavy periods that affect sleep, or prevent you from leaving the house for fear of leaking is TOO HEAVY! And though pain is common, it is NOT normal, especially if it is keeping you from your daily activities.
- This can include mood swings, bloating, fatigue, breast tenderness, and sometimes migraines. Many women in their 20’s and 30’s start to realize that their mood changes are cyclic and that maybe their depression or anxiety is related to their hormones!
Fertility concerns
- Some women are interested in conceiving at this time in their lives. Until they start trying they may not know that anything is going on hormonally. Many things can impact fertility and/or increase risk of miscarriage including, thyroid conditions, anemia, PCOS, endometriosis, short menstrual cycles, low ovarian reserve, among other causes. If you are trying to conceive you DO NOT have to wait a whole year to find out what is going on and you should never be told to wait longer than a year. If you have had a miscarriage, you DO NOT have to wait to have 2 more before a potential cause is investigated!
- Support can and should be offered regardless of where you are in your fertility journey.
Bloating and digestive discomfort
- Whether your digestive issues started when you were young, or they are new now many women start to really be impacted by these issues once they reach their 20’s and 30’s. From cyclic bloating, to constipation and diarrhea, even reflux, women are 2 times more likely to be affected by digestive issues than men.
At Health Over All, we see many women in their 20’s and 30’s and we love helping women at this age. It is a great time for women to be validated for their health concerns and educated about their bodies and hormonal cycles.
If you are in your 20’s or 30’s, we want you to know that you are not “too young” to be experiencing health challenges that are preventing you from living your best life. We know that it is hard when you know something is wrong but don’t know what to do about it.
Our Well Woman Assessments are designed for women who want answers! AND The ones who are not afraid to commit to their health to get solutions.
If you are ready for changes, want answers and want to know exactly what to do to achieve results then book your free Alignment Call HERE to find out about our Well Woman Assessments.
In health,
Dr. Lisa Maddalena, ND
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